Join us as we celebrate the life of the late, great Henry “Zadie” Benesch — The World’s Oldest Brewery Worker!

We dedicate this day to the man that folded every case tray, drank all the coffee, and rocked all the UNION gear like few can. Grab a $1 Blackwing Can and a cigar. Stick around for the box folding competition, and make your very own Zadie mask!

In Zadie’s honor:
-> Blackwing Lager at only $1.00 per can.
-> Cigars for sale
-> Vent Coffee Roasters will have $1.00 Coffees (Zadie’s Favorite!)
-> Z-Shaped Pretzels
-> Bourbon Ice Cream Pucks by the Charmery
-> Lemon Meringue Pie
-> Box Folding Competition
-> Make Your Own Zadie Mask