Good News From The Workshop!

As our “Workshop By Union” series of small-batch, experimental Wood-aged Beers continues to develop and mature, we are excited to release it’s latest “fruits”. 

Bourbon & CherisePale Sour Ale aged in Bourbon barrels with Cherries – 6.8% ABV

If you could see my heart, you would know it’s true

There’s none Cherise, except for you.

Bourbon and Cherise is a liquid love song. She’s dressed in hazy ruby red with a quickly collapsing light pink foam. Cherry pie filling is front and center, supported on a base of musty hay-like funk, a light earthiness, and toasted marshmallow. Moderate to high acidity combined with high carbonation provide a complimentary contrast to the sweeter fruity notes. Little to no bitterness, very light oak tannin, puckering and mouthwatering finish.

Vibration Vibration VibrationDark Sour Ale aged in Red Wine & Bourbon Barrels with Black Currants – 8.8% ABV

VVV has a strong and boundless energy formed from the blending of two beers into something much, much greater than the sum of its parts: A Belgian Dark Strong Ale, aged 3 years and 5 months in Red Wine barrels, blended with a Sour Red Ale aged 8 months in second use Bourbon Barrels. The blend was then rested on black currants and refermented for an additional 2 months.

Pouring deep burgundy with a tan cap of fine rocky foam that continuously produces a lazy stream of bubbles from the bottom of the glass.  Bold, boisterous, and jammy to the point of true decadence and expressing aromatic notes that span a gamut of dark fruit— black currant, cherry, and fig jam. A warm and welcoming toasty malt character complimented by oaky red wine lactone, suggesting vanilla, baking spice, and caramel. Light, leathery, and musty yeast funk, builds an additional layer of balance and complexity. Finishes as bold as it begins, mouth-watering and palate-coating with moderate acidity and oak tannin.

Available this Friday at the brewery for the start of WOW!