Friends –
As we’re sure you’re aware, Baltimore City is allowing restaurants and tap rooms with outdoor seating to re-open for outdoor service only, this Friday. We at UNION do not feel that it is time to re-open our Tap Room or offer outdoor seating.

We will continue to operate our Dockside Pickup and Delivery programs until further notice. We continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation in Baltimore and the Maryland area.
Our top priority is always keeping our coworkers and customers safe. Additionally, we want to focus on supporting and supplying our restaurant partners as they reopen.

We look forward to welcoming guests back to the brewery when we feel the time is right. Once we fully establish a re-opening plan we will make sure to post on our social channels and get the word out! 

We wish everyone that is choosing to re-open, or to patronize re-opened businesses, the best of luck. Please continue to be safe and cautious out there.

Love, UCB