Union Craft Brewing Company is proud to release the cold weather counterpart to its popular summer seasonal, Old Pro Gose.
“Cold” Pro, set to hit store shelves next week, is a bright red, sour wheat ale, brewed with Cranberries, spiced with a touch of Cinnamon and the requisite pinch of salt that makes the Gose style so craveable. This “winterized” version of Old Pro Gose will be distributed in kegs and 12oz can sixpacks to our full distribution area including Maryland, Washington, DC, Northern Viriginia, & Delaware. Draft and cans will debut at the UNION Craft Tap Room at the Union Collective, this Friday, November 1.
“We challenged ourselves to brew up a refreshing, balanced, and versatile sour ale specifically to be enjoyed in the colder months”, says Jon Zerivitz, Co-Founder and Creative Director. Zerivitz adds, “With Old Pro, our summer seasonal, being so popular and have such a loyal following, that beer was a great place to start. We did a number of different variants before landing on the combination of cranberry and cinnamon. It’s just got that warming, winter flavor, but is still so refreshing and could even be mixed into some holiday seasonal cocktails too!”
Jenna Dutton, UNION’s Lead Designer offers, “When creating the Cold Pro identity we didn’t want stray too far away from the Old Pro branding that our customers have grown to love. We decided to keep the seamless pattern look while “winterizing” seasonal elements. We swapped golf courses for snowy mountains and golf clubs for skis. If you look close you will find UNION/Baltimore references like the Snow Pants figure [from our Snow Pants Oatmeal Stout] and your typical Baltimore “I dug out this parking space and reserved it with a lawn chair” chair. I think the label is as fun as the liquid inside the can.”