In a world where hops have overtaken the Earth and humans across the planet have been forced to drink candy-based beer by their Craft Beer overlords…one man… err… Monster has set out to save the universe. From the distant planet of Germania-II, the brave Thirst Monster has been traveling the universe in search of epic thirsts to quench. His weapon of choice? The Kölsch – a crisp, refreshing, and easy-drinking German-style ale. Light on its feet with subtley sweet crackery malts and a light sprinkling of herbal and spicy hops – it’s a beer that can take on even the mightiest of thirsts. Will Thirst Monster and his Kölsch arrive in time to save Earth from its own demise? Or will Craft Beer enslave the human race with hops and marshmallows?
Alcohol by Volume: 5%
Bitterness (IBU): 25
Malts: Pale Wheat, Pils
Hops: Huell Melon, Perle, Saphir