The beast of a beer you hold in your hand has quietly slumbered in Baltimore Spirits Company 3 Year Epoch Rye Barrels for 16.5 months — slowly breathing in the vanilla and oak notes from the barrel staves and adding layers of complexity to this full-flavored barleywine-style ale. The Columbus and Centennial hops have blended with rich malt and oak barrel flavors to produce a beer that is meant to be savored with every sip.

It pours a flat hazel with a small, quickly dissipating off-white head. Prominent malty-sweet aromatics – chewy caramel candy, toasted pumpernickel, & fig jam, supported by lighter oak & spirit driven notes of pipe tobacco, roasted walnut, & anise. Dense on the palate, sweet & boozy, with a clingy oak & warming note to remind you that this is, in fact, real life.

Alcohol by Volume: 11.4%
Bitterness (IBU): 50
Color: Gold
Malts: Crystal, Munich, Pale Wheat
Hops: Columbus

COLOR: Hazel
MALT: Pale Ale, Dark Munich, Crystal
HOPS: Columbus, Centennial
YEAST: House Ale