~She’s Come Out To Play • From Deep In The Bay~ 
From the depths of the Chesapeake Bay– Chessie, our Barrel-Aged Barleywine makes an epic return in a new package this year. The beast of a beer has quietly slumbered in oak barrels for 13 months — slowly breathing in the vanilla and oak notes from the barrel staves and adding layers of complexity to this full-flavored barleywine-style ale. The Columbus and Centennial hops have blended with rich malt and oak barrel flavors to produce a beer that is meant to be savored with every sip. There are three variants of BA Chessie this year- Bourbon, Brandy, and Red Wine, and they each have their own character.

Pours a deep copper-red with an eggshell foam that sticks to the edge of the glass. Spirit and barrel aromas of sawdust oak, oversteeped English breakfast tea, golden raisins, and honey oat cereal. You can taste flavors of confectionary caramelized sugars almost exactly like a cream-filled caramel candy with additional notes of Vanilla bean, Rye Bread, and Caramel. The oak tannin and sweetness balance out for a smooth toasty finish. 11.6% ABV

Pours a reddish mahogany capped with a dense fawn cap of foam that clings tightly to the glass. Spirit and barrel aromas of dried cherry, fig cookie, baked apple, and dry roasted almond emerge from the depths on a monstrous body of sticky toffee and bread crust hidden just beneath the surface. Vinous oak tannin and alcoholic warmth trail behind lending a long, layered, and uniquely complex finish to every sip. 11.4% ABV

:red_circle:Red Wine
Pours butterscotch tinged light brown with thin wisps of off-white head. Caramel and sweet almond aromas compliment undertones of dry red wine, dates, and vanilla bean. As the beer warms the oak aroma intensifies with clove and white pepper emerging on a bed of cherry and cashew. Semi-sweet and full on the palate with a soft and smooth finish. 10.8% ABVBarrel-Aged

Chessie is available starting this week at the brewery, and at your favorite beer, wine, and liquor stores in Maryland, and D.C. Place an order for UNION Express Delivery or Dockside Pick Up Today!